Rolfing® Structural Integration. Paul's Journey The ecology movement and the 10 series in 5 1/5 minutes!
Sep 18, 2024Text Transcribed and organized for more clarity from video.
Paul and I had the pleasure of being invited to a zoom training call for clients and instructors with a fitness studio in Abu Dhabi UAE to do a lecture on what is fitness and conditioning. This is a fun and interesting snippet of Paul talking about his own Rolfing experience and an explanation of the one of a kind, transfomational Rolfing 10 series. Enjoy!
I was a Nordic racer growing up in Alaska, driven by a mix of testosterone and a passion for adventure. Unfortunately, the intense physical activities led to numerous injuries, including compression fractures in my spine and torn ligaments in my neck. By my mid-twenties, I was left feeling virtually destroyed, experiencing chronic headaches and a crashed immune system. It became clear that I needed to rebuild my body from the ground up.
In my pursuit of healing, I explored various methods, including numerous acupuncture sessions and consulting with gifted herbalists in Santa Fe, New Mexico. While each approach provided some relief, it wasn't until I discovered Rolfing that I truly found transformative results. Interestingly, my journey into Rolfing began through a girlfriend who was undergoing the series. Every day, she would return from a session looking visibly different, her posture undergoing a remarkable transformation. Naturally, I became intrigued and had to explore this further.
My educational background is in Economics from the Wharton School of Business, but my passion for healing led me to delve deeper into understanding the art of Rolfing. Before we discuss Rolfing, it's important to clarify that while many are familiar with Pilates, there seems to be a certain level of mystery surrounding Rolfing. Allow me to offer my perspective on the history and essence of Rolfing.
Ida Rolf, the founder of Rolfing, was fascinated by the ecological movement and began viewing the body as a complex system. This approach aligned with the emerging whole systems thinking of her time. While there are various tales surrounding her journey, one notable story involves her working with children in her neighborhood. Her own son, who was a bit clumsy, underwent her treatments and experienced significant improvements in posture and movement. This caught the attention of a neighbor who then requested Ida's assistance in transforming their child's physicality as well. These experiences laid the groundwork for Ida's innovative approach.
Ida Rolf collaborated with osteopaths and chiropractors, but it was at Esalen, where she trained a group of passionate individuals, that her method truly flourished. Breaking it down into a series of ten sessions, known as the Rolfing 10 series, she crafted a brilliant structure. It's important to note that the Rolfing 10 series is not a definitive solution, but rather a beautifully orchestrated sequence akin to a martial arts kata. Through repetition, the movements become fluid, revealing unexpected connections within the body. Witnessing rapid transformations and miracles became a common occurrence.
The Rolfing 10 series progresses systematically, utilizing time as a valuable tool. In the initial session, the focus is on respiration and opening up the ribs, elevating the entire structure. The subsequent sessions target specific areas, including the feet, where freedom and mobility are restored.
In essence, Rolfing is an art form that unveils the body's potential through intentional, transformative touch. By traversing this unique journey, one can witness the beauty of the body's interconnections, leading to profound and rapid changes. While the Rolfing 10 series is a foundational approach, it is only the beginning of a lifelong exploration and understanding of the body's intricate nature.
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